BRANDT Liquid Boron 10%

BRANDT Liquid Boron 10% is an effective, readily available source of boron for soil and foliar applications to field, row, vegetable, fruit, tree, and vine crops.



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BRANDT Liquid Boron 10% is an effective, readily available source of boron for soil and foliar applications to field, row, vegetable, fruit, tree, and vine crops.

The Function of Boron in Crop Production

Primary cell walls are the first cell walls to form in new growing and dividing plant cells. Boron provides structural integrity and flexibility to the primary cell walls, and supports:

  • Germination and pollination, which improves fruit, nut and grain set
  • Nitrogen assimilation and root nodulation formation, which improves uptake
  • Carbohydrate metabolism and sugar translocation
  • Plant vigor and response to stress
  • Cell wall stabilization and structural integrity
  • Quality and yield Boron is Critical in Primary Cell Wall Formation. Insufficient levels of boron impairs cell and tissue growth, as well as vegetative and reproductive growth

Click Here to see trial results for Brandt Liquid Boron

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1pt per acre