BRANDT Smart Quatro Plus

BRANDT SMART QUATRO PLUS is a new advanced compatibility, high efficiency foliar designed for superior compatibility with fungicides and *select dicamba herbicides. The 5-0-0 formulation contains a full micronutrient package, including boron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc and sulfur. It supplies high quality, readily available nutrients to plants in a highly efficient and mobile form, making it an ideal choice for in-season nutrient applications on row crops.


BRANDT SMART QUATRO PLUS, a new advanced foliar fertilizer designed for superior compatibility with fungicides and select dicamba herbicides. This innovative product features a 5-0-0 formulation and delivers a complete micronutrient package.

Key Features:

  • Advanced Compatibility: BRANDT SMART QUATRO PLUS offers exceptional compatibility with fungicides and select dicamba herbicides. Therefore, it ensures seamless integration into your crop protection plan.
  • Complete Micronutrient Package: This 5-0-0 formulation includes essential micronutrients such as boron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, and sulfur. Thus, it provides comprehensive nutritional support for your crops.
  • High-Efficiency Nutrient Delivery: It supplies high-quality, readily available nutrients to plants in a highly efficient and mobile form. Consequently, it optimizes nutrient uptake and utilization.


  • Enhances Crop Health: By delivering essential micronutrients efficiently, BRANDT SMART QUATRO PLUS promotes overall plant health and vigor.
  • Boosts Nutrient Uptake: The advanced formulation ensures nutrients are readily absorbed and utilized, improving growth and productivity.
  • Ideal for In-Season Applications: Perfectly suited for in-season nutrient applications, it delivers timely nutritional support. As a result, this ensures crops thrive during critical growth stages.

Optimal for Use On:

  • Row crops, providing a versatile and effective nutrient solution. Furthermore, this makes it an excellent choice for enhancing crop performance and productivity.

Choose BRANDT SMART QUATRO PLUS for your nutrient management plan. Experience the benefits of advanced compatibility and high-efficiency nutrient delivery. With its complete micronutrient package, this innovative foliar solution ensures your crops receive the essential support they need to achieve optimal growth and yield.

Guaranteed Analysis Smart Sulfur PlusBRANDT SMART QUATRO PLUS is approved for use with Engenia®, XtendiMax® with VaporGrip® Technology, and Enlist One

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