
RAPIDS in furrow biology is powered by multiple beneficial microbes, designed to enhance nutrient availability and uptake. RAPIDS® is intended to be used in conjunction with a regular fertilizer program and standard recommended agricultural practices.



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RAPIDS in furrow biology has multiple strains of beneficial microbes. Rapids enhances nutrient availability and uptake. RAPIDS® is intended to be used in conjunction with a regular fertilizer program and standard recommended agricultural practices.

Biology at your fingertips

Rapids in furrow biology meets all of your in furrow biological needs. Powered by multiple strains of beneficial microbes, Rapids is a great addition to any starter or fertility program. Rapids contains live biology, also features fulvic acid and biostimulants that increase effectiveness in your soil.

Rapids is easy to handle, consequently it takes the mess and hassle out of mixing products together or worrying about a 2 week shelf life. When storing Rapids in furrow biology properly it stays fresh in the jug all spring (follow label instructions for storage).

Microbes and so much more

Fulvic acid has a positive effect the CEC in the area where applied. As a result adding fulvic acid to a starter blend has huge benefits. Mutiple strains of microbes accomplish more than one task at a time no matter what soil or weather conditions are present.

Unlike other products Rapids in furrow biology does the job you need in the conditions you have because of its depth of diversity. Biologicals on the market today focus on one nutrient. Whereas Rapids focuses on a wide spectrum. The plant needs all essential nutrients why shouldn’t your starter?

Rapids effects N,P,K,S and Zn. For example Rapids has 7 N2 fixers, 15 ammonifying bacteria, 6 phosphorous solublizers, 5 potassium solublizers, and 2 Zinc solublizers. The Biology has the power to unleash your tied up nutrition.  It is your nutrition and you need it now.

Rapids gives you:

  • Ease of use
  • Multiple action sites
  • The microbes you need to get the job done
Rapids Label